Like today I teleported to Aedan and there was this gut who just started calling Aedan a N00B and a little baby. I didn't really want to hear anymore so I went to my house (also Aedan said he was in Katz lab, but that's a lie because I know for a fact that he is barely out of Hyde Park).
I'm a bystander, everybody.
Now here's something I am actually proud of: Stopping "phony" mount dealers.
There was a girl in the shopping district yesterday (that ol' Mackenzie) who was giving out mounts and a lot of people were interested. Then this Novice started saying, "Mounts for sale!" But there was no way HE was giving out mounts, because he wasn't even on one. I mean, you have to convince people before you got mounts. Me and a bunch of other guys finally got him to teleport away (and start a "phony" mount business somewhere ELSE...dun dun dun). Tip: Trust no level 8 Thaumaturge named Seth who says, "Mounts for sale!" A girl named Mackenzie tricked a lot of people nto giving her cards, and I contributed into stopping that "phony" mount business by telling people what she really wanted. Oh yeah, and Aedan got a permanent mount of his own.